Nuovalo is excited to announce that our paper titled A sustainable, variable lifetime retirement income solution for the Chilean pension system, co-written in collaboration with researchers from the office of the Chilean Superintendent of Pensions, has been published in the Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance. We propose a longevity risk sharing solution that would give retirees a new option for lifetime income with significantly higher payments, on average, and which would require minimal disruption to the current system in Chile. Retirees would retain the ability to choose their investment providers and their investment funds, and could elect when they wish income payments to begin. Through modeling, we examine the merits and show examples of how this new product/service could be combined with existing products to create individualized retirement income plans for people. The paper concludes with policy considerations.
Journal subscribers can find the paper here.
Non-subscribers may find a view-only version of the paper here.
Established in 1973, The Geneva Association, officially the "International Association for the Study of Insurance Economics," is based in Zurich, Switzerland and is a non-profit organization funded by its members.